Global Dairy Solutions

As dairies around the world increase in size, the management approach for those dairies must change. The purpose of World Wide Sires Global Dairy Solutions is to deliver services that are aimed at making your operation efficient and effective. To fully capture the value of genetics there must be a focus on management. Similarly, even with the best management, your herd will not achieve maximum profitability without high quality genetics. WWS Global Dairy Solutions (GDS) has a unique offering that is tailored to fit your needs and we will work with you beyond your training sessions.

We are able to offer our Tanzanian customers, through WWS Ltd, a program that incorporates genetic and management plans that will deliver results. It has been designed specifically for large dairy operations as we focus on maximizing dairy performance with top genetics.

These proven solutions incorporate unique training and consulting for producers looking to improve dairy management issues common to large dairies. This, along with our genetic offering, will result in more pregnancies and healthier cows which equals more profit for your operation.

  • Management Plan: focuses on the value of hands-on practical training combined with technical consulting.
  • Genetic Plan: focuses on the impact that bull selection can have on your herd uniformity, efficiency and profitability. Managing inbreeding risk insures the best bull is used on each individual cow.

Also Available: On-farm Consulting & Farm Meetings by both WWS Ltd and WWS TZ Ltd teams.

The GDS team has a wide range of consultants available to cover the following areas:

  • General Dairy Management Topics
  • Genetics
  • Reproduction
  • Feeding & Nutrition
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